Ever wonder how much of the data in the Pokedex is true, and how much is myth? An Entei roars, and a volcano erupts.
Everytime a volcano erupts, an Entei is born. What.
If you find fault with commonly accepted Pokemon "truths", this site is for you!
Site Launched 12/28/2009
Updated 06/08/2010
After 4 months of inactivity, we're back. And by "we" I just mean me.
Today sees a minor tweak to the about the author page, with the addition to a shiny new link my Twitter account.
More importantly, I come bearing actual content with the inclusion of a new article. Fairly fun to write, hope
it's enjoyed.
- Author - New link to Twitter account. Bask in it.
- Articles - "A Sableye Study"

Veestah |